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Anxiety Fills the Air

  Anxiety Fills the Air   The repeal of Article 370 and Article 35A marks an extraordinary quit to constitutional rights assured for decades. Together, the Articles have been the umbilical cord among Kashmir and India — giving Kashmir its personal flag, laws and nation Parliament and additionally prohibiting non-citizens from proudly owning any belongings in the region . Now the Indian part of Kashmir has remained divided, disempowered, and degraded. Such a unilateral circulate from Delhi also undermines pro-Indian political parties in the area, which have been strengthening Indian manipulate over Kashmir for many years. Kashmiri historiographer Siddiq Wahid, who studied at Harvard is now the Vice-Chancellor at the Islamic University of Science & Technology, says India has simply unnoticed its own laws and overlooked what Kashmiris need. Speaking at his home based on the outskirts of Srinagar, Wahid tells me that the pass will, in the end, lead to a deep centralizati...

The Top 5 YouTube channels for Software Developers


 About a year ago I realized that my job as a software/IT professional is very different from what I learned in college. Beyond the clear benefits of work experience, self-learning through courses, YouTube, tutorials, etc. is the best way to improve. I am grateful to live in a time when many people are willing to share their knowledge without hesitation.

With that in mind, here are the 5 best YouTube channels for software developers (IMHO):

1. Polygonal Brad

Veteran software/programming youtuber. Brad's channel singlehandedly helped me become a freelancer. I started learning WordPress development from his videos and he helped me land freelance clients. His tutorials are complete but not too monotonous. If you want to learn full stack web development, Traversy Media is the right place to start.

2. Clement Mihailescu

His main focus is helping people prepare for programming interviews. Probably by his company AlgoExpert. However, this does not include the entire channel. His channel focuses on explaining Algorithms & CS in a very concise way and goes beyond programming for personality development. As an entrepreneur, he also covers areas such as product management, business, and other ancillary areas of building software.

*Cléments' videos are excellent so be sure to binge watch them. 


This is a repository for pretty much anything you can think of in regards to contemporary programming, from DevOps to how Javascript promises work. Whenever I want a deep understanding of a specific topic, freeCodeCamp is the first reference source I use.

4. Ben Awad

I think Ben has the uncanny ability to make programming and the "art of software development" a sensible pursuit. He's pretty funny, and most of the time when he makes a statement, I'm like, "Why didn't I think of that before?" One of his best videos is Where to Host a Fullstack Project on a Budget.

5. Gaurav Sen

Honestly, I have to say that some of Gurav's content is, at least for now, out of my league as it's a bit high level for me. He breaks down Plus, passionately explaining the algorithms and system design in a very descriptive and easily digestible way. My favorite series that he does are the system architecture videos where he covers the technology and software design behind big tech companies like Instagram, Whatsapp, etc.

I hope these recommendations have helped you.

Lex Fridman (Honorable Mention)

An honorable mention is Lex Fridman and his podcast. He is an AI researcher at MIT working on autonomous vehicles, human-robot interaction, and machine learning and has some of the best interviews on technology topics. He doesn't produce programming specifically, but in general he is a very inspiring person. 

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